Editorial Studies, Light Heartness and Humor

Editorial exercise image. Own take on editorial from inspiration. 

Using lightness and humour: "Mind" column in the Guardian Weekend magazine. – Read the article quickly and produce a cartoon-like humourous illustration that sums up the magazine article.
Consider the similarities between “cartoon” and “conceptual” illustration.
We were asked to illustrate an image for a piece of text that was in The Gaurdian about various stories. For each story the image was removed and we were asked to then create our own editorial  illustration to replace the image. The article I chose was titled 'I lost my voice for three and a half years'. 

After studying editorial illustration and looking at at the article I knew an image would compliment this best if it was light hearted, simple making it relatable. Similar to Aude Van Ryn's techniques, I chose a limited colour palette and silhouettes of the face with hands and symbols circulating. The images rooating around a source was also a heavy inspiration for my work. Study the artist that I have helped make this image success and overall has given me a better understanding of editorial illustration.

Figure 1 - Aude Van Ryn's work for inspiration

Figure 2 - Article from The Guardian 

Figure 3 - Original Image for the article 

Image for article

Figure 4 - Original Pen Line from Image
Figure 4 - Image edited on Photoshop

Image references

Figure 1 - Heart artist’s agents - artists - Aude Van Ryn - galleries - Aude Van Ryn 1
Figure 2 -3 Neff, K. (2015) Experience: I lost my voice for three and a half years.


- Aude van Ryn, Eric Fraser and editorial illustration (no date) Available at: http://theillustrator208.blogspot.co.uk/p/eric-fraser-and-editorial.html (Accessed: 20 October 2016).
In-text citations: 
  • (Aude van Ryn, Eric Fraser and editorial illustration, no date)

- Heart artist’s agents - artists - Aude Van Ryn - galleries - Aude Van Ryn 1 (no date) Available at: http://www.heartagency.com/artist/AudeVanRyn/gallery/1 (Accessed: 20 October 2016)

- Neff, K. (2015) Experience: I lost my voice for three and a half years. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/nov/27/experience-i-lost-my-voice-for-three-and-a-half-years (Accessed: 20 October 2016).

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